
Web Site Development Servicing Akron & Cuyahoga Falls since 2003

Computer Repair
Since 2005 we have hosted our own website. Recently we have reached out to the local community, offering web hosting at a competitive rate start at $65 billed anually for basic web & email hosting services. If you host with 1 & 1, GoDaddy, HostGator, or another large web hosting provider you are probably paying too much, feel free to cost compare & give us a call.
Utilizing powerful, open-source techonoglies such as Free-BSD, MySql, & Ngin x, with the addition of Cloud-Based technologies such as DigitialOcean & Clo udFlare, we provide an affordable, redundant, geo-location cached web-hosting so lution. We also recommend Dot Block Hosting for alternative hosting options, including Solid State Drive a nd Virtual Private Server Hosting.

Web Design Platform

  • Hand coded Sites by Individual or Team
  • Content Management System (WordPress/Drupal)

Web Design Process

Web Design Pricing


Utilizing industry leading web server software, the Apache engine is used to host over 55% of sites on the internet. We have combined Apache with the nginx webserver to deliver non-dynamic content faster as well as offering load & geo-location balacing. Lastly we put all of this behind Cloudflare to not only cache web content, but also defend from DDOS attacks.


Using Cloud-Computing technologies such as AWS, Digital Ocean, & Asterisk improves efficiency, accessibility, & as well as reliability. As the web continues to push advancements, we will be ready to utalize it to offer a better service.
Twitter BootstrapTwitter Bootstrap
Using current code frameworks such as jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, & Font Awesome to deliver interactive content to browsers on all the devices we service. Desktop PCs, Laptops, iPads, iPods, & iPhones!