Web Scraping how-to with Bash script and Python over proxy

This tutorial covers a small example of a recent web scrape that I did for a client to pull email addresses from a website, using proxies via python called from bash shell.
This video was created for educational & entertainment purposes, & you are fully responsible for all activities taken by you as the viewer with regards to the subject matter.
Python for beginners Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Malware Cookbook & DVD Malware, Rootkits, & Botnets
Utalizing industry leading web server software, the Apache engine is used to host over 55% of sites on the internet. We have combined Apache with the nginx webserver to deliver non-dynamic content faster as well as offering load & geo-location balacing. Lastly we put all of this behind Cloudflare to not only cache web content, but also defend from DDOS attacks.
Using Cloud-Computing technologies such as AWS, Digital Ocean, & Asterisk improves efficiency, accessibility, & as well as reliability. As the web continues to push advancements, we will be ready to utalize it to offer a better service.